Thank you for finding your way to the Brytecode website.
My name is Dries Elliott, and I founded Brytecode in 2019 to create an ethical software company that provides services related to software engineering in which the business comes first. The services provided include software development on the JVM, infrastructure automation, and software architecture in the Cloud.
So far, I‘ve been working as a freelance software developer for a single customer at a time. While I will keep offering these freelancing services, I wanted to create a better way of sharing knowledge and educating fellow software developers. Through this website, I want to achieve that goal.
The website is a platform allowing me to share my software development experiences with you. These experiences can include courses, tutorials, code snippets, useful links, news updates, opinions, and more. I learned much about software development thanks to the hundreds of people sharing their knowledge on the web daily, and this website is my effort to keep the sharing going.
You can contact me at dries@brytecode.be for any feedback or requests to work together on a future project. You can also find my digital resumé on this website if you want to know more about the past projects that I worked on.